
SiCam Cant Face, Size & Shape Verification

SiCam uses our MPX laser line profiling scanners to accurately and reliably measure your cant after the sideboards have fallen away. SiCam's software compares the data from we capture to your optimizer and show you what size and shape issues are affecting the quality of cant you are producing. SiCam's Closed Loop size control takes quality control to the next level and ensuring your canter line stays on target and size without the need of manual offsets needing to be applied to the system.


  • Closed Loop Size Control - keep your line on size without the need of constant monitoring by your QC staff
  • High resolution, high accuracy sensor technology to scan your entire cant
  • Reduce or cut to target size and manage on size performance
  • Scan for opening face and compare theoretical versus actual on first pass
  • Scan the entire face to detect not only size issues but also shape issues such as bevel, wedging and snipe


Mill Area